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Europe’s energy security drive: Effects on Africa’s raw material supply

Facing an unprecedented energy crisis triggered by supply disruptions and soaring prices, the European Union (EU) finds itself in urgent need of alternative energy sources and critical raw materials for its green transition. With Europe’s own mineral reserves depleting, the EU has turned to Africa, rich in resources, as a potential supplier. However, this pursuit of new deals in Africa raises concerns about sustainability and equity.

Critics caution against prioritizing Europe’s energy security at the expense of Africa’s development needs. Rushed agreements risk replicating colonial-era practices, potentially undermining trust and cooperation between the EU and African nations. As the EU engages with African partners, it must strike a delicate balance between short-term energy imperatives and long-term partnership building, prioritizing agreements that benefit both parties.

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Recent developments highlight the EU’s strategic partnership with Rwanda, aimed at securing critical raw materials essential for the green energy transition. This includes lithium, cobalt, nickel, and rare earth elements vital for electric vehicle batteries and renewable energy technologies.

Under the agreement, the EU plans to invest over €10 million in exploration and capacity building to develop Rwanda’s mining sector. The objective is to map mineral reserves, enhance technical expertise, and promote responsible and sustainable mining practices.

For the EU, diversifying its supply chain beyond dominant producers like China is imperative. Securing alternative sources of critical raw materials aligns with the EU’s climate neutrality goals and bolsters its Raw Materials Initiative, aimed at enhancing domestic sourcing.

The partnership also aims to foster responsible mining in Rwanda, prioritizing environmental, social, and governance criteria. By investing in local capacity, the EU aims to ensure that Rwanda derives maximum economic benefits from its mineral resources while adhering to ethical standards.

While the EU-Rwanda deal holds potential for economic development and job creation, concerns remain about its sustainability and impact on the African country. The agreement’s success hinges on Rwanda’s ability to manage its mineral resources responsibly and equitably, ensuring that the benefits extend to its citizens.

While the EU’s pursuit of energy security is understandable, it must proceed with caution to avoid repeating historical injustices and prioritize sustainable partnerships with African nations. Rushed decisions driven by energy shortages may lead to unintended consequences, underscoring the importance of careful deliberation and collaboration in addressing the global energy crisis.

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