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Serbia coal mine company Kostolac, 2.3 million tons of coal

2.3 million tons of coal have been produced in Thermal power plant and Mines (TE-KO) “Kostolac” since the beginning of year.
In Thermal power plant in Kostolac also were produced 1.8 million megawatt hours of electricity for the first four months of this year.
According to the information, 13.9 million cubic meters of overburden were excavated in Kostolac in 2014th.
In April was excavated 444.577 tons of coal, of which 441.753 tons were delivered to thermal power plants.
For industry and consumer use were delivered 2.749 tons, while for their own needs were aside 75 tons of coal.

There were 366. 047 tons of coal on the landfill of Kostolac thermal power plant at the end of the month.

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