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Nevsun Resources Drills 182.3m of 4.17% Copper and 4.80 g/t Gold in its Serbia Upper Zone at Timok Project

Nevsun Resources Ltd. aanounced new assay results from on-going drilling of the Upper Zone at the Company’s Timok copper-gold project.

Drilling continues to confirm continuity and the high-grade nature of the Upper Zone
New massive and semi-massive sulphide intersections include:
TC160121: 182.3m @ 4.17% Cu, 4.80g/t Au, including 40.5m @ 11.61% Cu, 12.9g/t Au
TC160119: 86.2m @ 9.47% Cu, 8.83g/t Au, including 46.5m @ 15.61% Cu, 11.29g/t Au
TC160117: 98.8m @ 9.82% Cu, 8.86g/t Au, including 33.0m @ 20.04% Cu, 14.35g/t Au
TC160114: 171.0m @ 4.94% Cu, 5.21g/t Au, including 10.5m @ 11.09% Cu, 7.82g/t Au and 24.0m @ 10.27% Cu, 6.71g/t Au, and 7.5m @ 7.88% Cu, 3.78g/t Au
Additional 18,500m of drilling in progress to further improve confidence in the resource
Nevsun CEO, Cliff Davis, commented, “The assays reported today represent about 25% of the planned in-fill drilling designed to confirm and upgrade the resource of the Timok Upper Zone mineralization. The work on our Pre-Feasibility Study is progressing well. Recent meetings with both the Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Mines and Energy have demonstrated the State’s very strong support for international investment and in particular, the development of the Timok Project.”

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Detailed drill results, sections and a plan map of drill hole locations are attached to this news release. Holes are designed to intersect the high sulphidation mineralization at 90 to 100% of true width.

The Timok Project is located in eastern Serbia near the Bor mining and smelting complex. The Timok Project is focussed on the Cukaru Peki deposit which includes the high grade Upper Zone and the Lower Zone. The Upper Zone has an extremely high copper and gold content consisting of 1.7 million tonnes of indicated resource grading 13.5% copper and 10.4 g/t gold and 35.0 million tonnes of inferred resource grading 2.9% copper and 1.7 g/t gold.
The high sulphidation epithermal mineralization in the Upper Zone comprises massive sulphide, semi-massive and also vein, stockwork, dissemination and hydrothermal breccia matrix sulphide hosted by strongly altered andesite. The HSE mineralization forms a single coherent zone at depths ranging from 400 to over 800m below surface. Pyrite is the dominant sulphide mineral and covellite the principal copper mineral with lesser enargite, bornite and chalcocite occurring in veins, hydrothermal breccias, disseminations and replacement. Gold is associated primarily with the copper sulphides.
Drill core samples were collected in accordance with protocols that are compatible with accepted industry procedures and best practice. The Company conducts its own analysis of QAQC generated by the systematic inclusion of certified reference materials, blank samples and duplicate samples. The analytical results from the quality control samples have been evaluated and have been demonstrated to conform to best practice standards.

Mr. Peter Manojlovic, P.Geo., Nevsun’s VP Exploration, is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Manojlovic has reviewed the technical content of this press release and approved its dissemination.
Nevsun Resources Ltd. is the 60% owner of the high grade Bisha Mine in Eritrea. Bisha has nine years of reserve life, generating revenue from both copper and zinc concentrates containing gold and silver by-products. Nevsun has a strong balance sheet, no debt and pays a peer leading quarterly dividend. Nevsun is well positioned to grow shareholder value through exploration at Bisha and the newly acquired Serbian assets that include the high-grade copper-gold Timok Project.

source: juniorminingnetwork.com

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