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Mariana Resources Limited's interims reflect the progress made to date in Turkey


Its success with the drill bit is reflected in the share price, which has advanced over 260% in the year to date.

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Interims from Mariana Resources Limited chart an ‘exceptional’ period in which the full potential of the Hot Maden gold-copper project became apparent.

Drilling produced some high-grade results, including a bonanza 71-metre section at almost 33 grams per tonne and 1.9% copper.

The work was distilled down into an updated resources statement published shortly after the period end, which bumped the indicated gold resources to 2.79mln ounces, while the copper component weighed in at 166,000 tonnes.

Combined this was the equivalent of 3.43mln ounces of the precious metal, which represented a near 70% increase on the last updated figure of just under 2mln ounces gold equivalent.

Within July’s update was a maiden resource estimate for zinc, which was 11,600 tonnes listed in the indicated category with a further 114,000 tonnes inferred.

source: proactiveinvestors.com

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