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Investor Relations


Proactive outreach to your stakeholders without reputation risks effects, efficient transmission of investor relations contents to your shareholders

MiningSEE project, is a platform developed for all mining industry actors: investors-NGOs, developers and medias.

Development of Natural Resources projects in South and East Europe are on the monitor radar of great number of analysts and brokers servicing investors from US, Canada, UK and Germany. MiningSEE platform receives average great number inquiries on natural resources projects.

Business operations of international companies in East Europe became more visible and transparent for investors and other stakeholders. A visibility of great potential for natural resources companies to outreach properly all their stakeholders. Investors, medias, shareholders, stakeholders, environmentalists and bank track platforms are part of the sustainable Stakeholder Platform for East Europe mining sector.

International financial institutions (IFIs) Performance Requirements (PRs) became essential element of almost every natural resources investment projects. PRs implementation and successful communication of Environment Social Impact platforms thru Stakeholder Engagement Plans (SEP) are part of essential strategy for mining companies to outreach their stakeholders. Closest IFIs bank track interested parties are Green NGOs networks which are already monitoring the SEE region and natural resources exploration. NGOs aim at the sensitive triggers of IFIs reputation risks arising from the Environment and Social issues in mining projects. Stakeholders are already watching mining projects in Serbia & SEE and already assessing the actual on the spot information’s from independent sources. MiningSEE is their sustainable source of informations and support in understanding of the mining processes in SEE. MiningSEE works with responsible mining market actors and welcomes the investors role in the process in the balance with natural resources NGOs.

MiningSEE Platform works closely with companies PR agencies in developing and transmission of special Investor Relations (IR) contents for widest circle of shareholders and stakeholders. MiningSEE Platform, together with our supporters, consultants from Stakeholders Relations Management SEMC are the first solutions providers in SEE region for specific and complex Shareholder Relations in natural resources operations.

Aim for pro-active outreach, engaging in real conversations; reduce resources spent on passive outreach through online presence and corporate advertising. Expand IR audience of brokers, investors, share-holders, sector experts, analysts. Implement the local developed community relations models, social impact management plans, investors relations and stakeholders mitigation solutions.

Ensure efficient, effective and sustainable project development in partnership with stakeholder advocacy platforms unique in SEE region and linked with the seats of mining stock markets. The primary goal is to establish a retail foundation of awareness and market support to follow the Company as it progresses its strategy for growth. It is retail broker interest that results in share appreciation, not institutional interest.

“ It’s more important to reach the people that count, than to count the people you reached”

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